Phytosanitary Plants Teaching

Basic course of Phytosanitary Manipulator

Currently I have taught the course on more than 20 occasions. The average score of students who have attended (more than 600) between farmers, horticulturists, gardeners, fans,… It has been excellent.

Taking into account that, often, the preparation of students in relation to chemicals, mechanical equipment, ecology… It is very elementary, explain reasonably and, above all, comprehensive way for them is a complicated goal.

But thanks to the election of a good material for the teacher, taking advantage of the new technologies available, is possible that they understand the importance of adjusting the processes of management of this type of products, increasing security for own health and others, and as not, reducing environmental risks.

Development Organization Phytosanitary Planification Plants


It came about by chance, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to learn directly from the diary of a good number of my clients gardens growing.

Shortly, a detailed explanation of the work experience.